Caring for Your Baby's Teeth

Caring for Your Baby's Teeth

Baby teeth are important because they allow an infant to eat a good diet, allow for proper jaw growth, give the face its form and appearance, assist in the formation of proper speech, and most important, act as "space savers" for adult teeth. Tooth decay in babies can lead to pain, infection, malnutrition, poor weight gain, and premature loss of teeth – which can affect the development of permanent teeth. In addition, oral health problems in an infant's mouth, such as bleeding gums and cavities, increase the chance for these problems in permanent teeth. Good oral health habits – started at an early age at home – increase the chance for a healthy mouth during your child's young life and carry on through adulthood.

When to Start Caring for Your Baby's Teeth

It's actually a good idea to get in the habit of cleaning your baby's gums even before teeth emerge.

To clean your baby's mouth:

1. Lay your baby in your lap with his or her head close to your chest.
2. Gently, but firmly, rub a clean and damp piece of gauze or washcloth along both the upper and lower gums.
3. Clean the gums at least two times a day – after breakfast and after the last feeding of the day. Even better – clean your baby's gums after every feeding.

What Is Teething?

Teething refers to the time when baby teeth (also called deciduous teeth or primary teeth) appear. Generally, teething first occurs between 6 months and 24 months of age. While this process is uneventful in some children; for others, it causes quite a bit of discomfort and irritability.

Check out this tooth chart and learn when to expect your baby's teeth to appear.

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